The Ultimate Guide To Succeeding With Gainsight CS
Maximize the impact and return on your Gainsight CS investment

Guarantee Value With The Leading Customer Success Technology Platform
Is Your Organization Ready To Succeed With Gainsight CS?
If your organization is considering investing in Gainsight CS, is in the process of launching this platform or is an established Gainsight CS customer looking to maximize value from your investment, this guide has been created for you.
Gainsight is the leading platform in the customer success technology market. Gainsight CS sits at the core of the platform and is designed to be the nucleus of how you operationalize your
customer success strategy. Accordingly, your launch strategy and ongoing operating model for managing this platform needs to be able to harness that power.
While this guide has been specifically developed for Gainsight CS, many of the observations and recommendations you will find in the guide can be applied to succeeding with other customer success technologies. These range from the readiness of your customer success strategy to the need for an agile development model to ensure the technology stays aligned with your business needs.
Ready, Launch, Succeed
Valuize is the world’s most experienced and certified Gainsight consulting partner and we have helped many of the fastest growing and largest B2B technology companies maximize their value realization from their Gainsight investments. We hope you find this guide valuable no matter what stage of the Gainsight journey you are on.

“After helping many of the world’s leading B2B technology companies realize great value with their Gainsight CS investments, we’ve distilled our years of experience and expertise into this eBook to help you do the same. “
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In this eBook, you will learn to:
• Lay the foundation for a successful launch of this powerful platform by ensuring your customer success strategy, team and customer data readiness
• Achieve a successful launch of Gainsight CS through an agile approach that ensures the fastest time-to-value possible for your team
• Implement a successful agile operating model around Gainsight CS that drives continuous improvements and ongoing value realization